Poverty is the dire lack of resources for many in our world to meet the basic needs of life. It is rooted in the brokenness of our world, and our inability to faithfully steward and share God’s abundance. It is an essential absence of shalom intended by God in creation. The poor are our neighbours. They are global neighbours. They are local neighbours. The church has a responsibility to acknowledge and engage the reality of poverty in our world and an opportunity to come alongside the poor in God’s name and build relationships that resource, empower and restore God’s dignity.
Poverty Resources
Statistics Canada | A dashboard of information and initiatives for Canadians.
Canadian Poverty Institute | The Role of the Church in Poverty Reduction.
World Bank Report on Worldwide Poverty | Poverty and Prosperity 2020: Reversal of Fortunes
Tim Dickau | The Church’s Call to Compassion and Justice in the face of Poverty: Some Biblical and Theological Reflections
Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert, When Helping Hurts
Robert D. Lupton, Toxic Charity
Bryant L. Myers, Walking with the Poor
John M. Perkins, Beyond Charity