
Indigenous Issues

As part of the wider Canadian culture the church has, consciously and unconsciously, supported systemic injustices like the appropriation of land, the forced relocation of Indigenous communities, the creation of the reserve system, and continued economic and political exploitation. Attitudes and policies of colonization in Canada, which we have long endorsed by our silence and inaction, have led to painful and enduring consequences, including a practical apartheid in this country between Settlers and Indigenous peoples. The work of the JMN seeks to help churches understand these issues and to respond to God’s call for repentance (2Chron.7:14), just action (Micah 6:8) and living in peace together (Rom 12:18; 2 Cor 5:18-21).

Doctrine of Discovery Resources:

Detailed information on the Doctrine of Discovery can be found here: Doctrine of Discovery — Red Clover

Click in the box below to view the Doctrine of Discovery Resource Webinar.

Additional Indigenous Issues Resources

1. For more info on Indigenous Justice and how your church can get involved:

2.  To learn from Indigenous followers of Jesus through a course put together by Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada:

3.  For information on contemporary issues impacting Indigenous Peoples as well as background information on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission:

4. For a podcast regarding Orange Shirt Day, please check out this site: